Tag: careeradvice

The Power of Ratios

There is a common rule known as the 80-20 Rule that espouses 80% of outcomes result from 20% of the causes or input variables. Formally, this is known as the Pareto Principle, inspired by the writings of Vilfredo Pareto in the late 1800s/early 1900s, who…

In Principles We Trust

According to the Google, a principle is defined as “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.” For example, “People disappoint, bacon is eternal.” OK, that is not really a…

Affordance by Design

According to Merriam-Webster, affordance is defined as the quality or property of an object that defines its possible uses or makes clear how it can or should be used. A good example is a door handle. The next time you approach a door, take note…